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configuration control

1. After establishing a configuration, such as that of a telecommunications or computer system, the evaluating and approving changes to the configuration and to the interrelationships among system components. 2. In distributed-queue dual-bus (DQDB) networks, the function that ensures the resources of all nodes of a DQDB network are configured into a correct dual-bus topology. Note: The functions that are managed include the head of bus, external timing source, and default slot generator functions. 3. The process of controlling modifications to hardware, firmware, software, and documentation to ensure the information system (IS) is protected against improper modifications prior to, during, and after system implementation. 4. The process of evaluating, approving or disapproving, coordinating and recording changes to configuration items. 5. A system of controls imposed on changing controlled objects produced during the development, production, and maintenance processes for a Target of Evaluation.

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