Home >  Term: backhaul

1. The practice of routing telecommunications traffic beyond its intended destination, and then back to the intended destination, usually for the purpose of taking advantage of tariffs or prices that are lower than those afforded by direct routing. 2. In security, to bring a call that has been routed along a particular path (usually via satellite) to some earlier position in the switching sequence (also using satellites. ) Note: The technique supports CALEA, the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act and LAES, Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance. 3. In commercial telephone networks, referring to a trunk or line between two central offices that may not share the same facilities or geographic location, and which trunk is used to support special services, e.g., orderwires, off-premises extensions, common exchange number routing, or least-cost routing of customer centrex services. 4. In mission programs requiring contingency networking, referring to a link that provides feedback to the mission control center to verify that the transmission via a primary communications has been successful. Note: In cases where the primary path fails to deliver the transmission, the communications may occur over the backhaul connection or an alternative network connection. 5. In contingency networking, an alternative connection that is routed via a diversified path, e.g., an alternative frequency, satellite facility, cable, trunk, or time slot.

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