- Industry: Mining
- Number of terms: 33118
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
The U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) was the primary United States Government agency conducting scientific research and disseminating information on the extraction, processing, use, and conservation of mineral resources.
Founded on May 16, 1910, through the Organic Act (Public Law 179), USBM's missions ...
În brickmaking, (1) umezit si a lucrat la coerenţa corectă, ca argila pentru cărămizi sau turnare şi (2), capabile de a fi tăiate cu uşurinţă, ca cărămizi făcute din lut astfel.
交差天体および軽い鉄道、異方性無機偏光顕微鏡で 2 つ電気のベクトル (光または振動の方向を許可) 1135 ランダムに配向結晶のそれぞれは、天体のそれらに平行が、光は送信されません、結晶であり絶滅です。等方性結晶と光軸に平行な異方性結晶の閲覧まま段階回転消滅ランダム配向の異方性結晶段階回転 360 度の時に 4 回絶滅行きます。比較: 異方性; 消光角; 絶滅方向; 傾斜絶滅; 光学軸; 並列絶滅波動絶滅。
偏光顕微鏡、メソッドまたは相対屈折やミネラル穀物とそのホスト媒体; 2 つの隣接する鉱物粒子間を決定するためのテスト例えば、カナダバルサム、レイクサイド セメント、エポキシ樹脂、または知られている屈折の液浸オイル。にデフォーカスの増大による 274 の間作動距離顕微鏡ステージ対物レンズ Becke ライン高い屈折に向かって移動します。比較: ヴァン der Kolk メソッド
În geologie, să se stabilească (un sistem structural), peste, independent de, şi în cele din urmă la structuri subiacente; a spus terranes, râuri, sisteme de drenaj, văi, etc.; ca o vale suprapuse.
În lingouri de test, dizolvarea de argint din aur asociate de utilizarea de acid azotic.