Sun Microsystems Inc.
Industry: Computer
Number of terms: 4807
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
Sun Microsystems is a multinational vendor of computers, computer software and hardware, and information technology services.
Предузеће пасуљ који представља упорни подаци одржавани у бази података. Ентитет пасуљ може да управља сопственом упорношћу или може делегирати ову функцију у контејнер. Ентитет пасуљ се идентификује примарног кључа. Ако контејнер у којем ентитету пасуљ је домаћин падова, ентитет пасуљ, примарни кључ, као и било ког удаљеног референце преживи судар.
An authentication mechanism in which a Web server authenticates an entity via a user name and password obtained using the Web application's built-in authentication mechanism.
An authentication mechanism in which a Web container provides an application-specific form for logging in. This form of authentication uses Base64 encoding and can expose user names and passwords unless all connections are over SSL.
An authentication mechanism employed by two parties for the purpose of proving each other's identity to one another.
Ауторизованим скуп корисника сврстане по заједничким особинама, као што су радно место или Кориснички профил. Групе су такође повезани са низом улога, а сваки корисник који је члан групе наслеђује све улоге додељене тој групи.
An audit log where audit records are stored. This term is used in XSCF firmware.
An API for sending and receiving email.
An API for processing XML documents. JAXP leverages the parser standards SAX and DOM so that you can choose to parse your data as a stream of events or to build a tree-structured representation of it. JAXP supports the XSLT standard, giving you control over the presentation of the data and enabling you to convert the data to other XML documents or to other formats, such as HTML. JAXP provides namespace support, allowing you to work with schema that might otherwise have naming conflicts.
Write-update, also known as write-broadcast, maintains cache coherence by immediately updating all copies of a shared variable in all caches. This is a form of write-through because all writes go over the bus to update copies of shared data. Write-update has the advantage of making new values appear in cache sooner, which can reduce latency. See also cache, cache locality, coherence, false sharing, write-invalidate.
An action that is defined in the JSP specification and is always available to a JSP page.
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