California Institute of Technology
Number of terms: 3726
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Decrease in the intensity of radiation, representing energy converted into excitation or ionization of electrons in the region through which the radiation travels. As contrasted with monochromatic scattering (in which reemission occurs in all directions at the same frequency), the inverse process of emission refers to radiation that is reemitted in general in all directions and at all frequencies.
Removal of material from a solid by heating, vaporization or collisions
Temperature measured on the Kelvin scale: 0 Kelvin = -273.15 degree Celsius. Absolute temperature is directly related to (kinetic) energy via the equation E = kBT, where kB is Boltzmann's constant. So, a temperature of 0 K corresponds to zero energy, and room temperature, 300 K = 27 degree, corresponds to an energy of 0.025 eV.
The lowest possible temperature, attained when a system is at its minimum possible energy. The Kelvin temperature scale sets its zero point at absolute zero (-273.15 degree on the Celsius scale, and -434.07 degree on the Fahrenheit scale.)
a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples
soft, silvery-white, radioactive metal which glows in the dark
1) Mean distance between the Earth and the Sun: 1.495985 × 1011 m. 2) The AU is the preferred unit for distances within the solar system. Mercury, the innermost planet, lies on average 0.39 AU from the Sun; Pluto, normally the farthest planet, lies on average 39.5 AU from the Sun. 3) The mean distance between the Earth and the Sun. The astronomical unit is defined as the length of the radius of the unperturbed circular orbit of a body of negligible mass moving around the Sun with a sidereal angular velocity of 0.017202098950 radian per day of 86400 ephemeris seconds. AU = 1.496 × 1013 cm ≈ 500 lt-sec. 4) The mean distance from the earth to the sun, equal to 92.81 million miles or 499.012 light-seconds. 5) The radius of a circular orbit in which a body of negligible mass, and free of perturbations, would revolve around the Sun in 2π / k days, where k is the Gaussian gravitational constant. This is slightly less than the semi-major axis of the Earth's orbit.
The science that studies the physics and chemistry of extraterrestrial objects. The alliance of physics and astronomy, which began with the advent of spectroscopy, made it possible to investigate what celestial objects are and not just where they are.
1) A spiral galaxy (kS5 in Morgan's classification) in the Local Group, about 650-700 kpc distant (MV = -21), visible to the naked eye as a fuzzy patch in the constellation of Andromeda. Total mass about 3.1 × 1011 Msun ; i = 77? heliocentric velocity - 180 km s-1. Its nucleus exhibits noncircular gas motions. It is similar to but slightly larger than our Galaxy. 2) Major spiral galaxy, 2.2 million light-years from Earth. Gravitationally bound to the Milky Way with which it shares membership in the Local Group, it is currently approaching us, rather than receding as is the case for most galaxies. 3) The largest galaxy in the Local Group. Also known as the Great Spiral and M31. It is about one and a half times the size of our own galaxy, and contains at least 300 globular clusters. Two smaller, elliptical galaxies (M32 and NGC 205) lie close to it. 4) The largest member of the local group. It is a giant spiral galaxy that lies 2.4 million light-years away.
Dwarf spheroidal galaxy in the Andromeda subgroup of the Local Group. It is among the intrinsically faintest members of the Local Group.
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