California Institute of Technology
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A hypothetical spin-0 particle with a very small mass of 10-5-10-3 eV. It was postulated in order to provide a natural solution to the "strong CP problem".
1) Una misura della luminosità intrinseca di una stella o galassia. Magnitudine assoluta è definita come la magnitudine apparente della stella o galassia avrebbe se fosse 32,6 anni luce (10 parsec) dalla terra. Inferiore magnitudine assoluta di un oggetto, la maggiore luminosità intrinseca. Ad esempio, il sole ha una magnitudine assoluta di +4.83, mentre Sirio, la cui luminosità intrinseca è maggiore, ha una magnitudine assoluta di +1.43. Una stella che è una magnitudine assoluta più luminosa di un altro (ad esempio, + 4 contro + 5) è 2,5 volte più intrinsecamente luminoso; una stella che è 5 assoluto magnitudini più luminosi è 100 volte più intrinsecamente luminoso; e una stella che è 10 assoluto magnitudini più luminosi è 10000 volte più intrinsecamente luminoso. 2) La magnitudine assoluta (g) di un corpo del sistema solare come un asteroide è definita come la luminosità a zero angolo di fase quando l'oggetto è 1 UA dal sole e 1 AU dall'osservatore.
En enhet av längden används när uttrycker våglängder.
1) Divination using the positions of the planets, the Sun and the Moon as seen against the stars in the constellations of the zodiac - a "science" almost as old as homo sapiens. Although at one stage in history astrology and astronomy were almost synonymous- the latter has advanced so far during the last three centuries that the two now bear little relation to each other. 2) The belief that human affairs and people's personalities and characters are influenced by (or encoded in) the positions of the planets.
หิ้งของก๊าซรอบดาวดาวเคราะห์หรือดวงจันทร์ บางครั้งขึ้นรูปพื้นผิวชัดเจนของร่างกาย สำหรับร่างกายเพื่อรักษาบรรยากาศขึ้นอยู่กับแรงโน้ม ถ่วงของร่างกาย และอุณหภูมิ และองค์ประกอบของก๊าซ หมายถึงความดันบรรยากาศที่พื้นผิวเป็น 10330 kg/m2 และยังเรียกว่าบรรยากาศ
Objektīvs (vai apvienojumu lēcām), kas apvieno dažādu wavelenghts ar gaismas staru uz vienotu fokusu, tādējādi pārvarēt hromatisko aberāciju. Tas pirmo reizi sekmīgi veica, Joseph von Fraunhofer.
Lēcu no diviem vai vairākiem komponentiem ar dažādiem refrakcijas indeksu (piemēram, vainaga stikla un krama stikla), izmanto, lai labotu hromatisko aberāciju.
Elements ar atomu skaits starp 89 (aktīnijs) un 103
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