Created by: Dindadink
Number of Blossarys: 3
Homem de Java (Homo erectus erectus) é o nome dado aos fósseis descobertos em 1891 em Trinil - regência de Ngawi nas margens do Rio Solo, em Java Oriental, na Indonésia, um dos primeiros espécimes ...
Maailma pikim madu, Python Reticulates leitud Indoneesias Sulawesi jõudnud 10 meetri pikkused.
Pygmy tarsier (Tarsius pumilus), είναι το μικρότερο πρωτεύον στον κόσμο. Pygmy tarsier έχει μήκος σώματος κεφάλι 95 έως 105 mm (περίπου 4 ίντσες), και ζυγίζει λιγότερο από 57 γραμμάρια (2 ουγγιές). ...
The world longest snake, Python Reticulates found in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with length that reached 10 meters.
The pygmy tarsier (Tarsius pumilus), it is the smallest primate in the world. The pygmy tarsier has a head-body length of 95 to 105 mm (about 4 inches), and weighs less than 57 grams (2 ounces). And ...
Rafflesia arnoldii is the largest flower in the world and one of the three national flowers in Indonesia, the other two being the white jasmine and moon orchid. It grows in primary forests of Borneo ...
Indonesia has a living ancient animal. Komodo dragons are found only in the island of Komodo, in East Nusa Tenggara. It is the largest lizard in the world. With length that could reach to 3 meters ...