Home > Blossary: Slavic mythology
A brief insight into deities of the old Slavic mythology. Slavic mythology is the mythological aspect of the polytheistic religion that was practised by the Slavs before Christianisation. The religion possesses many common traits with other religions descended from the Proto-Indo-European religion. Old Slavic religion evolved over more than a thousand years and some parts of it were from neolithic or possibly even mesolithic times. The Earth was worshipped as Mat Zemlya and there were no temples. Rituals were performed in nature.

Category: Religion

23 Terms

Created by: absit.nomen

Number of Blossarys: 5

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Collected Terms

Stribog องสลาฟ เป็นพระเจ้าและวิญญาณลม ท้องฟ้า และ อากาศ เขาว่า เป็น บรรพบุรุษ (ปู่) ของลมในแปดทิศทาง เขามาพร้อมกับ และปกป้องเวสน่า เทพธิดาของฤดูใบไม้ผลิและธรรมชาติ เขาจะนำเธอทุกฤดูใบไม้ผลิบนปีกของลมอ่ ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

Svarog es el Dios de la forja y el padre de Dažbog, una deidad solar Eslava, algunos piensan que Svarog es el Dios eslavo de fuego celestial y de herrería. Folclore lo retrata como una serpiente de ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

Veles ist ein großen slawischen Gott der Erde, Wasser und der Unterwelt, Drachen, Vieh, Magie, Musiker, Reichtum und Tricks zugeordnet. Er ist auch der Gegner der Donnergott Perun, und der Kampf ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

Voden is a Slavic god of rivers, lakes and seas - a deity which rules the water. Fishermen and sailors worshipped him to protect them and give them good catch. He had the power to drown them and save ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

Horz is the deity related to celestial bodies. He represents the Moon and the morning Sun. He rules the warewolves, vampires and demons, however, he is not considered to be a negative force, but ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

Lada is the goddess of love and beauty in the Slavic pantheon. She is represented as a girl of long golden hair, embroidered with wheat, so she is also a goddess of fertility. Her animals are ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

Stribog, in the Slavic pantheon, is the god and spirit of the winds, sky and air; he is said to be the ancestor (grandfather) of the winds of the eight directions. He accompanies and protects Vesna, ...

Domain: Religion; Category: General religion

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