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8 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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在雅各的模型中的語言溝通被認為這是一個標誌的主要功能之一。此函數包括收件者 (理想讀者) (通常隱式) 建造。

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Jakobson's model of communication in Linguistics is considered one of the key functions of the mark. This function includes construction (usually implicitly) of a receiver (the ideal reader).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

模式的能指不是純粹任意的但以某種方式直接連接 (物理上或因果關係) 到所示-此連結可以觀察到或推斷 (如 煙、 風標、 溫度計、 時鐘、 精神層面、 足跡、 指紋、 敲、 門、 脈率、 皮疹、 疼痛) (皮爾斯)。

Domain: Language; Category: General language

A mode in which the marker is not purely arbitrary but directly connected in some way (physical or causal) to the signified-this link can be observed or inferred (such as smoke, Vane, a thermometer, a clock, a spirit-level, trace, fingerprints, knocking on doors, pulse, rash, pain) (Peirce).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

在其最極端的版本 '薩丕爾-沃爾夫假說' 可以描述為有關兩個相關聯的原則: 語言決定論和語言相對論。的應用這兩項原則,Whorfian 論文是說不同語言的人看待和思考世界完全不同,他們的世界觀正在塑造或確定所用的語言文化 (社會決定論者 — 被拒絕的概念)。評論家注意到我們不能僅憑語言結構的差異的世界觀的差異有關的推論。

Domain: Language; Category: General language

In its most extreme version 'the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis' can be described as relating two associated principles: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativism. Applying these two principles, the Whorfian thesis is that people who speak different languages perceive and think about the world quite differently, their worldviews being shaped or determined by the language of the culture (a notion rejected by social determinists). Critics note that we cannot make inferences about differences in worldview solely on the basis of differences in linguistic structure.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Phonocentrism 是一種通常無意識的解釋性偏見的特權演講結束寫作 (和因此) 口服聽覺視覺上)。

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Phonocentrism biased interpretation of the rights normally involuntary speech over writing (and consequently) oral-aural over visual).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Priorist 或基礎的理論授予某些 '基本' 的實體被視為既定條件或第一性原理的本體論重視。 各種理論家優先因果神、 物質現實、 感知、 ' 人性 '、 語言、 社會、 思想、 技術等等,提高我們將如何解釋這些實體和它們的起源問題。

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Priorist or foundationalist theories grant ontological priority to certain 'foundational' entities which are regarded as 'givens' or first principles. Various theorists assign causal priority to God, material reality, perception, 'human nature', language, society, ideology, technology and so on, raising the problem of how we are to explain these entities and their origins.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

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