Home > Blossary: Semiotics


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6 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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Collected Terms

Interpellation is Althusser's term to describe a mechanism whereby the human subject is 'constituted' (constructed) by pre-given structures (a structuralist stance). This concept is used by Marxist media theorists to explain the ideological function of mass media texts.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Arupärimise on Althusseri termin kirjeldamaks mehhanism, mille abil inimeste suhtes "koosneb" (ehitatud) poolt eelnevalt antud struktuurid (structuralist hoiak). Seda mõistet kasutatakse marksistlik meedia teoreetikud seletada massimeedia tekstid ideoloogiline funktsioon.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

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