Home > Blossary: Religious Studies: Islam
Arabic words that are useful for those taking GCSE Islam.


Company: Ummah

1 Terms

Created by: TheUmmah

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Els tres pilars a la Mina que són lapidat que simbolitzen el rebuig total de Iblis.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The three pillars at Mina that are stoned to symbolise the total rejection of Iblis.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

L'estand abans d'Allah que té lloc al Mont Arafat, o l 'muntar de Misericòrdia".

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The stand before Allah that takes place on Mount Arafat, or the 'Mount of Mercy'.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

El sermó va predicar per un Imam. Mont Arafat és on Muhammed va predicar el seu últim khutbah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The sermon preached by an Imam. Mount Arafat is where Muhammed preached his last khutbah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Un 420 comptador executar des del turó de Safa a Marwah. La cursa altra vegada també és un sa'y. Set sa'ys hauran de fer per a ambdós Hajj i ' Umrah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

One 420 meter run from the hill of Safa to Marwah. The run back is also a sa'y. Seven sa'ys must be completed for both Hajj and 'Umrah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Donant un voltes de la Kab'ah anti les agulles del rellotge. Set tawafs són necessaris per a la primera part d'Hajj i per ' Umrah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

A circling of the Kab'ah anti clockwise. Seven tawafs are required for the first part of Hajj and for 'Umrah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

El pelegrinatge menor, incloent-hi la tawafs inicial i la sa'ys. Es pot ser completat en qualsevol moment de l'any i és també una part d'Hajj.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

'Umrah is a variant of Islamic pilgrimage called the Hajj. The Hajj is of two types: 1. The greater Hajj (Arabic: al-hajj al-akbar) and 2. the lesser Hajj which in Arabic is called ‘Umrah. The greater Hajj is performed in the 12th month of Arabic calendar called Dhu-al-Hijjah while the ‘Umrah can be performed anytime of the year. The greater Hajj is mandatory for every Muslim if he/she can endure it physically and afford it monetarily.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

El mes en què Hajj es pot iniciar, del 8 al 13.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The month in which Hajj may be embarked upon, from the 8th to the 13th.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Obediència, un acte d'adoració i submissió a Allah. Un deure el musulmà ha.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Obedience, an act of worship and submission to Allah. A duty the Muslim has.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

El càstig per a aquells que no creuen en l'Islam, terrible càstig en els incendis d 'infern'.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The punishment for those who don't believe in Islam, dreadful punishment in the fires of 'hell'.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

La recompensa per a un creient d'Islam en el dia del judici, paradís. També la terra en la qual Adam i Hawwa "(Eva) va viure a abans de la seva desobediència i eliminació de l 'Eden jardí d'.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The reward for a believer of Islam on the day of judgement, paradise. Also the land in which Adam and Hawwa' (Eve) lived in before their disobedience and removal from the 'Garden of Eden'.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

El dia del judici, el dia en que Allah ens jutjarà, incloent. Iblis (o Shaytan), el diable.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The Day of Judgement, the day on which Allah will judge us all, including Iblis (or Shaytan), the devil.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Submissió a Allah. Es diu que cada criatura "sap el seu propi (mode d) pregària i lloança" Surah 24:41.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Submission to Allah. It is said that every creature 'knows it's own (mode of) prayer and praise' Surah 24:41.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Noranta-nou rosaris que ajuden els musulmans recordar els noranta-nou noms d'Allah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

Ninety-nine prayer beads that help Muslims remember the ninety nine names of Allah.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

La unitat i la unitat d'Allah, una idea molt important en l'Islam.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

The oneness and unity of Allah, a very important idea in Islam.

Domain: Religion; Category: Islam

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