Home > Blossary: Most Brutal Torture Technique

Category: History

7 Terms

Created by: dnatalia

Number of Blossarys: 60

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Another device used to get confession from the convict, usually use to extract name of the conspirator. It was said to be the most painful torture. It was a wooden frame usually above ground with two ropes fixed to the bottom and another two tied to a handle in the top. The idea behind the rack was to tie down a victim while a mechanical pulley arrangement enabled torturers to pull on the ropes. Under such torment, the victim had his body stretched until the joints were pulled from their sockets. The torturer turned the handle causing the ropes to pull the victim's arms. Eventually, the victim's bones were dislocated with a loud crack. If the torturer kept turning the handles, some of the limbs were torn apart, usually the arms.

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Crime & punishment

Perangkat lain yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan pengakuan dari narapidana, biasanya digunakan untuk mengekstrak nama konspirator. Ini dikatakan sebagai penyiksaan paling menyakitkan. Itu rangka kayu biasanya di atas tanah dengan dua tali tetap ke bawah dan dua lagi terikat pegangan di atas. Ide di balik rak adalah untuk mengikat turun korban sementara pengaturan mekanik katrol yang diaktifkan algojo menarik pada tali. Di bawah siksaan tersebut, korban telah tubuhnya yang membentang sampai sendi ditarik dari soket mereka. Penyiksa berubah pegangan menyebabkan tali untuk menarik korban ' s lengan. Akhirnya, korban ' s tulangnya dislokasi dengan celah keras. Jika penyiksa terus memutar pegangan, beberapa anggota badan yang robek terpisah, biasanya lengan.

Domain: Law enforcement; Category: Crime & punishment

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