Category: Entertainment
Created by: Olesia.lan
Number of Blossarys: 3
Following the success of The Fame and a number of other album releases between 2008-2009, Lady Gaga named her 8th studio album the Wunderland and released it in Europe in mid 2010. The Wunderland contains 13 songs and has synth-pop style. It received moderate receptions as it generated limited interests among U.S. based music critics. The album also failed to get to the top of the major music charts.
Menyusul keberhasilan The Fame dan sejumlah rilis album lain antara 2008-2009, Lady Gaga bernama album studio 8 Wunderland dan dirilis di Eropa di Medio 2010. Wunderland berisi 13 lagu-lagu dan memiliki gaya synth-pop. Ia menerima resepsi moderat sebagai itu dihasilkan minat yang terbatas antara US berbasis musik kritik. Album juga gagal untuk sampai ke puncak tangga lagu musik utama.