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Terminology used in the instructions for use for ophthalmic implants, surgical tools & instruments, OVDs, ophthalmic irrigating fluids


14 Terms

Created by: Leoneska

Number of Blossarys: 1

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Опаковката е наука, изкуство и технология на Ограждащите или защита на продуктите за разпределение, съхранение, продажба и употреба. Опаковката също така се отнася до процеса на проектирането, оценяването и производство на опаковки. Опаковката може да бъде описан като координирана система за подготовка на стоките за транспорт, складиране, логистика, продажба и крайна употреба. Опаковката съдържа, защитава, запазва, транспортира, информира и продава.[1] В много страни тя е напълно интегрирана в правителството, бизнеса, институционални, промишлени и лична употреба.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: 

Packaging is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use. Packaging contains, protects, preserves, transports, informs, and sells.[1] In many countries it is fully integrated into government, business, institutional, industrial, and personal use.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: 

Вътреочна леща (IOL) е имплантиран леща в окото, обикновено замяна на съществуващите лещата, защото то е замъглено от катаракта, или като форма на рефрактивна хирургия да промените оптична сила на окото. , Той обикновено се състои от малки пластмасови леща с пластмасови странични подпори, наречен haptics, да държи стъклото на място в capsular чанта вътре в окото.[редактиране] Вътреочни лещи традиционно са изработени от гъвкав материал (PMMA), въпреки че това до голяма степен бе наследен от използването на гъвкави материали. Най-вътреочни лещи монтирани днес са фиксирани Монофокални лещи съвпадат с разстояние визия. Обаче, други видове са на разположение, като мултифокална вътреочни лещи, които осигуряват на пациента с множество фокусирани визия далеч и четене разстояние и адаптивна вътреочни лещи, които осигуряват на пациента с ограничен визуални настаняване.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Implants & interventional materials

An intraocular lens (IOL) is an implanted lens in the eye, usually replacing the existing crystalline lens because it has been clouded over by a cataract, or as a form of refractive surgery to change the eye's optical power. It usually consists of a small plastic lens with plastic side struts, called haptics, to hold the lens in place within the capsular bag inside the eye.[citation needed] IOLs were traditionally made of an inflexible material (PMMA), although this has largely been superseded by the use of flexible materials. Most IOLs fitted today are fixed monofocal lenses matched to distance vision. However, other types are available, such as multifocal IOLs which provide the patient with multiple-focused vision at far and reading distance, and adaptive IOLs which provide the patient with limited visual accommodation.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Implants & interventional materials

Intracorneal пръстен имплантанти (INTACS) са визия корекция опция за лечение на ниско до умерено ниво на късогледство. INTACS се използват за коригиране на късогледство при пациенти, които имат кератоконус и тези, които имат остатъчно късогледство, след лазерна пречупване или LASIK хирургия.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Implants & interventional materials

Intracorneal Ring Implants (INTACS) are a vision correction option to treat low to moderate levels of myopia. INTACS are used to correct myopia in patients who have keratoconus and those who have residual myopia following laser refractive or LASIK surgery.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Implants & interventional materials

описание отчет представя нещо с думи, от глагола описват

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Biochemistry; Biofuel; Biomedical; Behavioral science; Cancer treatment; Dentistry; Diseases; Hematology; Hospitals; Medical research; Nursing homes; Psychiatry; Vaccines; Regulatory; Herbal medicine; Histology; Medicine; Cardiac supplies; Clinical analytical instruments; Clinical trials; Dental equipment; Dermatology instruments; Emergency room apparatus; ENT instruments; Eye instruments; General assay & diagnostic instruments; Implants & interventional materials; Medical cryogenic equipment; OBGYN equipment; Orthopaedic supplies; Pharmacology instruments; Physical therapy equipment; Radiology equipment; Sterilization equipment; Surgical instruments; Ultrasonic & optical equipment; Ward nursing equipment

description a statement presenting something in words, from verb describe

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Biochemistry; Biofuel; Biomedical; Behavioral science; Cancer treatment; Dentistry; Diseases; Hematology; Hospitals; Medical research; Nursing homes; Psychiatry; Vaccines; Regulatory; Herbal medicine; Histology; Medicine; Cardiac supplies; Clinical analytical instruments; Clinical trials; Dental equipment; Dermatology instruments; Emergency room apparatus; ENT instruments; Eye instruments; General assay & diagnostic instruments; Implants & interventional materials; Medical cryogenic equipment; OBGYN equipment; Orthopaedic supplies; Pharmacology instruments; Physical therapy equipment; Radiology equipment; Sterilization equipment; Surgical instruments; Ultrasonic & optical equipment; Ward nursing equipment

Упътване за използване

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Biochemistry; Biofuel; Biomedical; Behavioral science; Cancer treatment; Dentistry; Diseases; Hematology; Hospitals; Medical research; Nursing homes; Psychiatry; Vaccines; Regulatory; Herbal medicine; Histology; Medicine; Cardiac supplies; Clinical analytical instruments; Clinical trials; Dental equipment; Dermatology instruments; Emergency room apparatus; ENT instruments; Eye instruments; General assay & diagnostic instruments; Implants & interventional materials; Medical cryogenic equipment; OBGYN equipment; Orthopaedic supplies; Pharmacology instruments; Physical therapy equipment; Radiology equipment; Sterilization equipment; Surgical instruments; Ultrasonic & optical equipment; Ward nursing equipment

instructions for use

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Biochemistry; Biofuel; Biomedical; Behavioral science; Cancer treatment; Dentistry; Diseases; Hematology; Hospitals; Medical research; Nursing homes; Psychiatry; Vaccines; Regulatory; Herbal medicine; Histology; Medicine; Cardiac supplies; Clinical analytical instruments; Clinical trials; Dental equipment; Dermatology instruments; Emergency room apparatus; ENT instruments; Eye instruments; General assay & diagnostic instruments; Implants & interventional materials; Medical cryogenic equipment; OBGYN equipment; Orthopaedic supplies; Pharmacology instruments; Physical therapy equipment; Radiology equipment; Sterilization equipment; Surgical instruments; Ultrasonic & optical equipment; Ward nursing equipment

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