Home > Blossary: Google Glass
I have compiled a list of terms and Apps for Google Glass. Please help to add your own so we can turn this glossary into a go-to place for everyone looking for such information.

Category: Technology

13 Terms

Created by: scott.sf

Number of Blossarys: 3

My Terms
Collected Terms

A developer workshop in which software programmers, designers, application vendors, project managers and others collaborate intensively on the Google Glass Project. There are a number of Glass hackathons in the world with specific focuses such as innovative applications, programming language, APIs, operating system as well as user group interests.

Domain: Software; Category: Software development

Razvijalec delavnica, v kateri programske opreme programerji, oblikovalci, razvijalci programov, projektni vodje in drugi sodelovanje intenzivno na projektu Google stekla. Obstajajo številne steklo hackathons v svetu s posebno osredotoča na primer inovativnih aplikacij, programski jezik, APIs, operacijski sistem, kot tudi uporabnik skupinskih interesov.

Domain: Software; Category: Software development

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