Created by: farooq92
Number of Blossarys: 47
Most agree that Frank Lloyd Wright is the most famous architect of the modern era, if not all of history. Along with Louis Henri Sullivan, his early mentor, he helped form a uniquely American architecture. Wright favored the Prairie School of architecture, which came out of the Midwest United States and emphasized horizontal lines to blend with the landscape. One famous example of his Prairie style home is the Robie House, completed in 1909. Wright took this idea further, however, and promoted what he called organic architecture. This term refers to using both structure and materials to integrate designs with nature and the surrounding environment. Wright was embroiled in scandal in 1909 after he left his wife and family for his mistress. But his career eventually recovered, and he would go on to design many of his signature masterpieces. In 1935, he designed Fallingwater, a home built over a waterfall in southwestern Pennsylvania. Wright was also responsible for the innovative design of the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, which features a rising spiral walkway rather than individual floors.
Najviac súhlasiť, že Frank Lloyd Wright je najslávnejšie architekt novoveku, ak nie je celý príbeh. Spolu s Henri Louis Sullivan, jeho skoré mentor, on pomohol tvoria jedinečne amerických architektúry. Wright favorizoval Prériový štýl architektúry, ktorá prišla z USA Midwest a zdôraznil vodorovné čiary splynúť s krajinou. Jeden slávny príklad jeho Prairie štýl domov je Robie House, dokončená v roku 1909. Wright vzal túto myšlienku ďalej, však, a podporovať to, čo nazval organickej architektúry. Tento pojem označuje pomocou konštrukcie a materiály integrovať vzory s prírodou a okolitého prostredia. Wright bol zapletený do škandálu v roku 1909 potom, čo opustil svoju ženu a rodinu pre jeho milenka. Ale jeho kariéra nakoniec späť, a on by šiel na mnohé z jeho majstrovských diel podpis dizajn. V roku 1935, navrhol Fallingwater, domov postavený nad vodopádom v juhovýchodnej Pensylvánii. Wright bol tiež zodpovedný za inovatívny dizajn Guggenheimovo múzeum v New Yorku, ktorý ponúka rastúce špirála chodník skôr než jednotlivé podlažia.