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  • Abel Reles

    Abel Reles started out his crime career in bootlegging, that was his transition into the world of organized crime. There was a secret group of contract hit-men in the 1930s called Murder, Inc. Reles was at the center of the group and highly utilized by New York crime families for contract killings. ...

    People; Criminals
  • Alexander Solonik

    Russian Mob hit-man, Alexander Solonik, often referred to as "the superkiller" or "Sasha the Macedonian" was a lethal Russian contract killer who took hits out on high-ranking mob bosses in Russia. Alexander's background was unique. He was ambidextrous, so he was able to shoot guns from either ...

    People; Criminals
  • Giovanni Brusca

    Giovanni Brusca was a modern day Italian mafia hit-man. He was known to love eliciting pain from others and is known to have killed over 200 men in his career. He was a part of the mob from his youth. He was responsible for the murder of prosecutor, Giovanni Falcone in 1992. He escaped from his ...

    People; Criminals
  • Giuseppe Greco

    Giuseppe Greco was a tough Italian gangster that worked as a hit-man mostly in the 1970s. He was part of a team of killers that were often dubbed "death squads." He was finally caught by his 58th murder. Greco had no softness for his victims. He once killed a father and child and got rid of their ...

    People; Criminals
  • Harry Strauss

    Harry Strauss was a part of Murder, Inc. He enjoyed mentally torturing his victims before finishing them off. He murdered at least 35 people. He never carried a gun when he wasn't working. Even though he was arrested 18 times before he was convicted, he was eventually sent to prison after killing ...

    People; Criminals
  • Frank Abbandando

    Frank Abbandando was a part of Murder, Inc. He used a machete to kill one of his famous victims, George Rudnik. It was considered a horrific and brutal killing. He has killed at least 30 people. Abbandando started as a contract hit-man, working for Abe Reles, another affiliate of Murder, Inc. He ...

    People; Criminals
  • Joseph Barboza

    Joseph Barboza was not someone you wanted to have around. People were so terrified of him because of his killing tendencies that he even earned the nickname, "The Animal." After doing some prison time, upon release, he started an elaborate burglary ring and began connections with the Patriarca ...

    People; Criminals
  • John Scalise

    The Valentine's Day Massacre was a famous murder plot where seven mob associates were brutally attacked by a group of hit-men. The gangsters dressed up as cops and committed the famous crime. John Scalise was a big part of this famous event. He was known for wearing a glass eye. He expanded his ...

    People; Criminals
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