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Bullfighting (also known as corrida de toros or toreo) it's a traditional and super dangerous sport/art. The bullfight takes place in a bullring where the professional toreros (of which the most senior is called matador) execute various formal moves according to bullfighters' style or school. Such maneuvers are performed at close range, after the bull has first been weakened and tired by lances and short spears with barbs which are thrust into and then hang from the bull. The bullfight ends after the bull has been hooked multiple times behind the shoulder by other matadors in the arena after which the bull is usually killed. This bloody ending is characteristic for Spain and other countries where bullfights are being held unlike Portugal, where it is illegal to kill a bull in the arena, so it is removed and either professionally killed or treated and released into its owners' (ganadero) fields.

The short distance between the bull and toreros makes this sport very dangerous but no statistic on injuries are kept. However the last Spanish matador to die was Jose Cubero Sanchez "El Yiyo" in 1985.

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