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Isidro Garcia

Isidro Garcia, 41, is a main character in a case of 15 year old woman who went missing 10 years ago, in 2004. 25 year old woman contacted the police on 19 May 2014 and told them she had been abducted. Isidro Garcia has been formally arrested on suspicion of kidnapping for rape, lewd acts with a minor and false imprisonment on 20 May 2014. He is charges in a California court.

In 2004 Isidro Garcia was dating victim's mother and had been living with the the family in Santa Ana where he also began sexually assaulting the victim. Two months later he assaulted the victim's mother and drugged the teenager, driving her 26 miles north to Compton where she was locked in a garage. Over the course of the following months and years Mr Garcia frequently physically and sexually assaulted the victim as well as brainwashed her. He told the victim her family had given up looking for her, and if she tried to go back to them, the family would be deported. The two moved on several occasions to avoid police detection, and used different identities

In 2007 he forced the victim into a marriage, using documents he obtained in Mexico, and in 2012 the two had a child. Recently, the victim contacted her sister on Facebook and was told that her mother had been trying to find her, using a Spanish language newspaper and television station. That's what encourage her to report the crime.

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  • roozaarkaa
  • (Singapore City, Singapore)

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